Last week was a very busy week, daughter and friend came to visit for 3 days, turned into 4, but we got the sheep and goats sheds all cleaned out with the tractor. I still have some fences to put back up. Lambs got their tags, learned after last years fiasco to tag first before sending in papers. Last year a couple of tags got "tagged before they got to the lambs ears", clamped the pliers down accidentally while wrestling with the lamb.
Saturday evening it got extremely windy and big clouds came in. There is highway construction about 5 miles west of me. Orchards were torn out and now roadbeds are being graded and more dirt being hauled in. I think half that dirt got blown my way with the winds. When I went out to do chores the sky was so brown I could not even see the mountains. I had changed my camera card and had done something so I didn't get any pictures of all the blowing dust, figured I better take care of critters first. Clouds did not bring me any rain but a friend up in the hills above me got a cloudburst of rain and hail at her house. Sunday morning brought clear blue skies.
Have to share this picture of Bella and Dollar, I was on the computer and they are leaving me no way out, they want to be sure if I move they will notice.
This is Sadie, half Border Collie, half Heinz, but OCD about hair sheep having any wool. Here she is trying to get it and pull it out. It is just a small patch but annoying her none the less. I am glad she does not do this to the Shetlands.
"Well it's not pulling out so maybe if I can chew it off with my back teeth I can get it." That is a very patient ram she is chewing on.
The weather has changed almost overnight, down to the 50's at night instead of 80's, time to get out all those layers of clothes and put away the short sleeve t-shirts.
Looking forward to Fair time next week.