Thursday, October 18, 2012

Pig and Lamb update .........................

Pigs are growing and gaining 

Lost one of the triplets at 3 days old.  Looked like she was doing fine but found her dead when I went out to feed.  It looked like she was holding her own at feeding time, but first 3 or 4 days always seem to be the most critical.  

Two ewe lambs were born on the 14th, both are doing fine.

I went out to feed early on Tuesday, saw ewe with blood on her legs and tail, but she was not in labor, was really hoping she was not going to have any problems since I had company coming.  I kept watching her while I was doing chores, she was up and eating, still no sign of labor.  After I was done, I parked the Kubota next to the stock  trailer and went back to close the gate.  When I came back past the trailer don't know why but I looked down at the tires.  Tucked in behind the tires I found a little white tail wagging away, this was 20 feet outside the sheep's pen.  I put the ewe in a small pen with the new lamb for a few hours, looks like she only had one ram lamb, and it is doing fine.

And this morning before company was leaving there are now 2 more, so lamb count is now at 7.

And we are back to another week of summer temperatures, after last week mostly in the upper 70's yesterday and today are back to the 90's.

The Shetland rams are getting anxious for me to open their gates and put in the ewes, waiting for the first of November to breed the older ewes.  They yearlings are already in with the new ram, seems he is fickle and has a new girl friend every day.


  1. I love the color-coding. Boy, things are hopping at your place! Sorry to hear that summer is back. This seems to be the year of Endless Summer for you. I bet it was nice to drop into the 70s. Thanks for the pics!

  2. oh my! glad you spotted that little one way out there by itself!

    your fickle ram comment made me laugh. :)

  3. Congrat's on the new little one's and I am so very sorry for your loss on the pig... Please give hugs all around...

  4. Sorry I did not clarify that the triplet I lost was a lamb.

  5. happy you looked down and found the little sweet... love sorry about the piggy, sad...Blessings Francine.

  6. Sounds like lots is happening and it's an ever-changing scene at your place. What's with your weather though? Shouldn't you be all done with those days in the 90s by now? Enough already!!

  7. I'm glad you found the little ram lamb!
    Our weather has been all over the place too but we are supposed to be down into the mid 80s for the next week. Whew!

  8. Phew, that was lucky that you found the little lamb. Sorry you lost one of them. Weather here has been weird too. today is cold and very windy, but in the past week, we have had temps of 32 in the morning and 92 in the afternoon, a 60 degree difference.

  9. Sounds like you've been busy! Were you glad for the warmer temps with all the babies around?
