Friday, February 1, 2013

OK Pux .... let's talk

Hey there Puxatawny Phil, I want you to tell the world that we will be having a early spring this year and it is going to last at least thru the end of June here in California.  Sorry no pictures to back my claim but my daffodils are poking thru the ground and my Narcissus are forming buds.  But listen carefully Pux, I don't want a loooooong hot drawn out blazing hot summer.  Just want a nice early lingering spring.


  1. i like your order. sure hope it works.

  2. Lucky you, cold and white piles here, Francine.

  3. Ah yes, a long drawn out spring and a short summer. You have it right. So, it seems, does Pux. It's July thru October that I worry about. We California's appreciate our weather but... Summer cometh.

  4. Sounds like a real good idea, I hope he listens! Wow, it's amazing that your bulbs are coming up already!

  5. From your lips to Puxy Phil's furry little ears....
