Tour de Fleece Update
Finished spinning and plying Blain's fleece, that bag is now empty.
8 bobbins of wool from my wheel,
8 bobbins of wool,
Take 2 down ply them around,
6 bobbins of wool from my wheel,
6 bobbins of wool,
Take 2 down ply them around,
4 bobbins of wool .......
Now I have that running thru your head???
Actually I had 8 and a half but decided to drop the half out of my lyrics.
So now I have 4 and a half skeins of yarn to wash.
Louet replacement part
Louet wheel is repaired.
Plied yarn from the Ashford bobbins onto the Louet's much larger bobbins.
The nice thing about a dedicated wheel to ply on, I don't have to keep taking the bobbin off and having to readjust the brake. Once I get a set up that works for me I don't have to change anything.
My Ashford is a double treadle, the Louet is a single, felt like for part of this tour I was working with a scooter, riding with one foot, pushing with the other.
Definitely prefer the double treadle, more relaxing and easier to get into a rhythm with the double treadle.
Next on my agenda is spinning Alan's fleece, 3 bobbins full so far, and hopefully I will be up to trying to spin an Angora fleece for Thursday's challenge.
It's still hot, hot and hot, now in the 18th consecutive day of temps over 100, many over 105 and several highs of 113. That's not counting all the other days we have had so far this summer over 100.
Wonderful time of year to be playing with wool.
Another job I would not want to do in the summer time,
Wednesday the county was out oiling and graveling the roads.
The building in the middle of the background is the old neighborhood schoolhouse from years ago.
Did I mention my pastures are dry.
This is one of the Fruitless Mulberry trees I planted in the sheep pasture to provide some shade, could not figure out what kind of bugs were eating the leaves and breaking the branches.
Big, big, bugs .... AKA Squirrels.
I have now sprayed the tree with some lemon and dish soap and water, hopefully it will not taste as good.
Back to the spinning wheel ........... more bobbins of wool on my wheel, more bobbins of wool.