Thursday, May 17, 2012

May have to keep a wether or two

Little Mother's Day Ram Lamb is looking more brown every day, may just have to keep him around
for awhile as a wether just to see how his fleece turns out.

The black twin ram born on Monday actually has some white on him that you can now see since he as dried off and can look at him in daylight.


  1. It will be fun to see how they turn out. Cute!

  2. Very pretty color so far - will they tip out?? What is their skin color?? Give snugs from me..

    1. If the one with the white streaks on him are anything like the ewe lamb I had last year, he will get more white to his wool as he ages. She now looks like a minature suffolk, LOL, dark face and legs and light colored body.

  3. Such a cutie, baby animals are all so cute.

    Jen @ Muddy Boot Dreams

  4. So cute at that age. So glad you got some colored lambs. :)

  5. Should have replied here in case anyone else is questioning what a wether is .... it is a castrated male.
