Friday, December 14, 2012

With a very heavy heart ...........

prayers to all the residents of Connecticut that have to deal with today's tragic event.  To think that elementary schools would even be a target is unbelievable.  I am a firm believer in one's right to bear arms, but, that amendment was written in the days of one shot black powder rifles.  There is no reason John Q. Public should have access to assault weapons.


  1. I hadn't heard, so went off to search news sites after reading this. The devil is indeed a raging lion, seeking whom he may devour....

  2. So so heartbreaking........horrible ........can't believe someone could do anything like that......Prayers to the families........Hugs Francine.

  3. I would destroy my handgun, forever, if it would bring one of these children back. We need to do SOMETHING.

  4. My prayers are with all those hurting families.

  5. I don't understand people. I do agree with you, assault rifles are not necessary for civilians, either for hunting or self-defense.

  6. Hearts are broken all over the world because of this senseless atrocity. Our babies should be safe at school, our teachers should be safe, Oh I could go on and on.
