Monday, June 25, 2012

BUTT ........................

Hmmmmm, Pork Butt, Pork Chops, Pork Shoulder, Sausage,  Bacon, and more Bacon ............  Went to the sale on Saturday and came home with these two, the one on the right will go back as soon as I find some more at the right price, wanted two so the one would not get lonely but the one on the right is an intact male.  I will be going back to find some new buddies for the girl and let him grow here a bit in the next few weeks.  May need 5 or 6 to fill family and friends freezers so will probably look for couple little bigger ones next time.  Need to build a bigger pens since last time I raised pigs the pen is gone.  Projects, Projects, did down size some of the Dorper Sheep so I can keep more Shetland Sheep.


  1. glad you got to sell some of your sheep. cute little pig butts. :)

  2. Oh goodness! Fresh pork for the freezer?? Lucky you and friends and family!! You find the cutest animals to care for :-) I hope you have been well!

  3. There are ALWAYS projects, aren't there? One seems to breed two more. Cute piglets!

  4. Mmm, pork. I do love pork!

    I was up early this morning walking around the house listing all the projects to do in here. Not a very smart move since we're in the time of year when there are so many projects OUTSIDE that need doing!
